PRT Reasoning Mock Test Online

PRT Reasoning Online Mock Test

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Papu Mohanta

PRT Reasoning Mock Test Online

This part is designed for the quiz’s description which aims to give more detailed information about the quiz before starting it.
This quiz is intended for checking your Reasoning knowledge. It takes 10 minutes to pass the quiz. If you don’t finish the quiz within the mentioned time, all the unanswered questions will be counted as wrong. You can miss the question by clicking the “Next” button and return to the previous questions by the “Previous” button. Every unanswered question will be counted as wrong.

1 / 20

Five persons A, B, C, D and E are being compared in weight and height. The second heaviest person D is the shortest. A is the 2nd tallest and shorter than E. The heaviest person is the third tallest person. There is only one person shorter than B in height, who is lighter than E and A respectively. Who is the second heaviest person?

2 / 20

A bus starts from city X. The number of women on the bus is half the number of men. In city Y, 10 men leave the bus and 5 women enter. Now, the number of men and women is equal. In the beginning, how many passengers had entered the bus?

3 / 20

Which of the following relates to FLOWER in the same way as REATLR relates to SECTOR?

4 / 20

From the four positions of a dice given below, find the color which is opposite to yellow?

kvs R Q2

5 / 20

Find the number of triangles in the given figure?

kvg R Q4

6 / 20

Find the angle between the hour and the minute hand of a clock, when the time is 9:48

7 / 20

If ‘×’ stands for ‘addition’, ‘÷’ stands for ‘subtraction’, ‘+’ stands for ‘multiplication’ and ‘–’ stands for ‘division’, then 20 × 8 ÷8 –4 + 2 =?

8 / 20

Akshay walked 10 feet from A to B in the East. Then he turned to the right and walked 3 feet. Again he turned to the right and walked 14 feet. How far is he from A?

9 / 20

The next term in the given series will be ZA5, Y4B, XC6, W3D, ___?

10 / 20

Pointing towards a girl, Salman says, “This girl is the daughter of the only child of my father”. What is the relation of Salman’s wife to that girl?

11 / 20

If rain is water, water is a road, the road is cloud, the cloud is the sky, the sky is sea and sea is a path, where do aeroplanes fly?

12 / 20

The next term in the given series will be 4, 7, 15, 29, 59, 117,?

13 / 20

If WINTER is written as 231117241024 and SUMMER is written as 192316171024, then how will you write AUTUMN?

14 / 20

In the following questions, select the missing number from the given responses

kvs R Q1 e1620995098231

15 / 20

What will be the correct mathematical signs that can be inserted in the following?

8 _ 6 _ 2 _ 4 _ 8 = 28

16 / 20

What number should come in the place of?

kvs R Q3

17 / 20

In a school, there were five teachers. A and B taught Hindi and English. C and D taught English and Geography. D and A taught Mathematics and Hindi E and B taught History and French. Who among the teachers taught a maximum number of subjects?

18 / 20

If FRIEND is coded as HUMJTK. How is SANDLE written in that code?

19 / 20

In a certain code, SIKKIM is written as THLJJL. How is TRAINING written in that code?

20 / 20

If 0=4, 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=3, 7=5, 8=5 and 9=4. Then, 10 = ?

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