Office of The Chief District Medical & Public Health Officer, PuriWalk-in-interview 2020Vacancies for Paramedical StaffTotal Posts:- 268WWW.NEWJOBSODISHA.COM |
Important DateThe applicants are requested to come with application form along with required documents duly attested by the candidate with all original certificates to attend the Walk-in-interview from 21-07-2020 to 23-07-2020 at “TOWN HALL,’ POURA SADAN” Kacheri road, puri from 10.00 AM to 5.30 PM.
Terms and conditions
The engagement is purely temporary, for a period of 03(Three) months only or till COVID CARE HOMES are functional, whichever is earlier, keeping in view of the emergency situation arising due to COVID-19.Their engagement shall be done by CDM & PHO, Puri through Walk-in-interview in a transparent manner, with proper advertisement depending on the Number of Covid Gruhas in respective GPsIn case of Non- availability of ANMs, the CDM & PHO, Puri may engage alternative unemployed and trained Staff Nurse/Pharmacists in order of preference as mentioned in the table above with daily remuneration @ Rs.1000/-.The number of ANMs to be engaged by virtue of this order shall depend on the number of Covid Gruhas to be opened in the district.
Vacancy Details
Interested Candidates Should Read the Full Notification Before |
Important LinksOfficial Notification:- | | Official Website:- | | Application Form:- | |